Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 46: This is your brain

Dayum, painting translucent stuff isn’t easy. Brains are also one of those things that I’ve tried to draw a number of times, but never really had a life reference to draw from. Not too many people are willing to pull off the tops of their skulls for art.

Fortunately, I found a photo of a brain and worked from that. The whole time I was painting this, I was grumbling: “This would have been 10 times easier to do in Photoshop.”

I have long been amused by the whole "this is your brain on drugs" commercials of my youth ... not that I was into drugs, but the question always came up: why are some drugs "good," and some are "bad?"

Interestingly, marijuana is increasingly embraced by the medical community, Novocaine and its relatives have replaced cocaine for dental anaesthesia, merely because it lasts longer, and good ol' morphine (first cousin of heroin) is still recognized as "one of the best" by the severe pain management sector of medicine.

I'm not saying everyone should go out and get themselves addicted to something harmful (such as the above mentioned substances, in addition to cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, or high-fructose corn syrup), but I question why punishments for using those substances, with the theory that "it can ruin your life" usually involve prison. In other words, if you get caught smoking a little weed, we throw you in prison to be possibly beaten, raped, or killed ... and when you get out, you will be ineligible for many of the better jobs ... so that pot doesn't ruin your life.

But hey, eggs are yummy. Hold the brains.

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