Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 19: Three Little Birds

I notice I'm starting to run low on black paint. This is kinda cool, since that represents a lot of painting, including the art show I did a couple years ago.

This is one of my favorites, not necessarily because of the subject or execution, but the story behind it. First off, this is one of the two paintings from this project that no longer belongs to me. Our friends K and B were over, K being only slightly more pregnant than a ground-dragging heifer. They were looking for a song to sing to their new child when she finally came into the world. Kind of a childhood song sort of thing, I guess. I don't really remember that from my infancy, but it makes sense.

My wife suggested "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley. You know the song:

"Don't worry
About a thing,
'Cos every little thing's
Gonna be all right"

Well, K and B were dawdling at our house late (not that we mind; always welcome) but I knew I had to get my painting for the evening started. I set up my easel on the kitchen table (one reason I do my painting after the wife has gone to bed) and started work.

I quite enjoyed walking into brunch the next morning at the New Deal Café, handing this painting to the proud parents-to-be. I have been told it will be hanging in their nursery. I think they liked it. (Baby S was born in early September, 2009)


  1. This is my favorite painting too! Ben and I were totally blown away when Rich gave us this song. Stella is 4 weeks old today, and she still quiets down whenever Ben sings her this song.

    Rich you are awesome!!!!

  2. Yay, great story and all sorts of love for the painting.
